Monday, May 2

I hope it is nice out tomorrow. Like this. Not that I'm going for a drive in the country. That picture just looks fresh.
Here are some other links.
Scott Eyman tells how he came to write the Louis B. Mayer biography. I'm about a hundred pages in, and it's fast reading so far.

Stebbins Jefferson looks at a cultural divide: "So, there you have it. Up in Florida's Panhandle, there is smoldering devilment that threatens moral stability." Here are two previous columns, on a police shooting, and a more personal matter that is touching but remains formal. Her writing transcends the immediate situations described, and seems to balance.

Dan Moffet has two recent columns on immigration, 1) "Keep Out. Now that you're here..." ends with: "Because the federal government continues to shirk its responsibility, zealots march in Arizona and council members brainstorm in Jupiter. In their own ways, both have the right idea." 2) "The lawbreakers America needs" asks, "Who's right? As is so often the case with immigration matters, both sides are."
Finally, I'm succumbing to the cheap quiz link ... What kind of a bum are you ?


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