Just to update that earlier weather post:
Apparently they are reporting more than 2 inches fell in parts of our area. I knew I was underestimating, and originally thought I'd be safe with 1/2 inch, but then decided to cut my estimate in half, not to wimp out.
The snow that had gathered on the car might have slid and blown, so I wasn't sure if that was the true accumulation. But the grass was covered.
I'd revise my estimate to say an inch and a quarter, at least, fell outside my window. I've failed you as a blogger; it was cold, it was Saturday night, though my car was parked just outside, you got no picture.*
*Instead, I did a youtube search on "snow falling".
This is what I had in mind (21 seconds).
But this too, is snow falling (12). And this (13).
And this (16 seconds).
There's a steep hill on campus that gets icy sometimes on the walkway. I bet one day slip-and-fall videos hit it big. Worldwide interest. No really. Good footwear, small steps, take care. I'm still young sure, but you have to watch those steps at any age really. Unexpected downfall, no matter how quickly you get up, can make others laugh.
And who wants to end up a 20-second youtube clip?
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