Monday, December 11

Holiday Noooo--oh-oh-ooooo.o.o.'s*

Deux or, Jolly Holiday in a NannyState**:

Yes, I agree. Washing hands is the number one thing we can do to avoid welcoming germs into us, at holiday-time or all through the year. But we don't need to sing about it, CDC.

Just say "No" to educating via traditional Christmas carols. Ruin the damn songs, you will. Turn new folks off to the tune, with all the preaching:

The twelfth way to Health, said the CDC to me:
Eat well and get moving, Prepare dinner safely, Practice fire safety, Monitor the children, Get your vaccinations, Get exams and screenings, Fasten belts while driving, BE SMOKE FREE, Don't drink and drive, Manage stress, Bundle up for warmth, and Wash hands to be safe and healthy.

And check out that link closely: why is this aimed to women? They are probably better about washing hands than men, and I doubt many men are going to sit through the whole song. "Is that 'practice fire arms safety', on the 10th day honey? ... Aw shucks."

(HatTip: Plasmid)

*Travellin' ? Take the song in your head for stress relief. You could be a dog tied to someone's fender after all...

**Is required singing really so far behind?


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