Saturday, May 5

My fears.

I fear this next election will be Romney v. Obama, and some will have an incentive to spin it as White v. Black, with perhaps a special pitch to immigrants qualified to vote.*

Being from Chicago, I know racism exists, yet I also know it can be overcome, with people finding commonalities in wanting the best for their children, and peace in their neighborhoods. Sports helps at the local levels, with folks choosing just to cheer the team as a whole. After a while, you see people can live together, intermingle if desired, yet maintain their own identities if they so choose.

I don't kid myself that all areas of the country have worked through this yet, and I don't think the problems will all come from the lower class, uneducated people either. Sometimes the well meaning -- liberals or conservatives -- support ideas, but when push comes to shove, they pull their children for more segregated opportunites, content to have minority representation remain just that.

Time will tell, and I pray I'm wrong about this one...
*Nonsense, you say? Think we're above that politically, the slash and divide tactics? Look how easy it was to spin the Family Values issues in the last major race, and demonize a minority. Seems like the clock can be turned back to uglier days, even if we know in our hearts it hurts the country as a whole to divide the American people.

This seems as good a place as any to drop this line, an oldie but bearing repeating in these days of political scandal and denial:
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."