Monday, July 16

Just as with nations, so it is with individuals as well: it is possible to become overcome by alien powers, to feel as if one is ruled by an occupying force. The powers of cynicism and despair are real. They do not disappear at a command or by putting on a cheery face of optimism. Both Jesus and Dr. King knew this because neither of them were strangers to cynicism and despair. But Jesus gave us these two splendid images for hope: the mustard seed and the leaven in the loaf. I believe he knew, and wanted us to know that hope does not need to look on the bright side of things to be powerful and effective.

All hope requires is the recognition that something somewhere within us, or within our world is growing quietly, imperceptibly, is germinating. We may not yet have the eyes to recognize it. We may yet feel occupied by an alien power. Yet we trust that it is there, that it is growing, and that it is transforming us from within. Therefore, let us be alive and pregnant with hope. And let us wait for the new that is already happening with great patience and great attentiveness and anticipation. For that is the kingdom of heaven that Jesus said is already at work within you.

Let us pray: Grant us grace, O God, to wait patiently for the new within ourselves, within our world, that is already at work transforming and renewing. And grant us the courage to help bring it to birth when the time is ripe. Amen.


*Please call upon your powers of imagination this week to expand understanding beyond the literal. No, no "Bong hits 4 Jesus" message here. Just working with some rich story material, and my boss tells me we're going with a theme week on the blog. Gotta listen to the boss, afterall. (But remember, points off for literal readings.)

And happy Monday all.
Friday'll be here before you know it................


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