Thursday, January 10

"Or maybe... "

Gully Sully spots sexism at work!

Anne Rice - a quintessential Clinton supporter - makes her case for Clinton. Notice how she uses the name "Hillary" all the time. To me, that's a sexist double-standard. To Rice, treating Clinton like a male senator is sexist. Maybe it's generational. David Kuo sees the same thing.

Or maybe.... people just refer to "Hillary" in situations where using the surname "Clinton" might be confusing, as both she and Bill share that one?

Personally I think referring to her as Mrs. Clinton, as Gully Sully did a few days back is more obvious "sexism", if you're busy looking for that.* If you're going to tack on the title, isn't it more appropriate to use Sen.?

Wait a minute: talking about all these nonsense "ism" issues like alleged "sexism" and "racism" and "generational" issues -- that's not Sully's way of steering the discussion off the substantive issues the country faces ... and where his preferred candidate-of-the-moment comes up short, is it?

If so ... Heh!

ps. Gotta love these comments on that YouTube Anne Rice site:
If you want more direct evidence of how Obama's message of hope and unity will fail, all you have to do is watch Andrew Sullivan side with Rush Limbaugh to attack Hillary Clinton as he did on his website today. Obama supporters are now partners with Karl Rove... heaven help Obama, these sorts of things are going to bury him
Considering how viciously Obama supporters go after Hillary (i.e. andrew sullivan), It seems Obama's message of positive politics and unity will go nowhere as fellow democrats say to themselves "hey, who are these holier-than-thou Obama people?" That and sending Jesse Jackson Jr. to blame racism when you lose just shows we do need experienced fighters who know how to take a hit the right way and get things done.

And no, that's not me commenting. (I was busy with Mal tearing up carpeting this afternoon to expose some nice old hardwoods; damn abundance of carpet staples! -- easy, but tedious work. You know, the kind of work so many would claim they need illegal labor for, because everybody knows: it's allegedly physical work "Americans just won't do anymore." Even earned myself a minor pinkie blister...)

Still, you gotta love how the internet opens up the dialogue, eh -- the immediate evaluation of what these pundits throw up and hope sticks ... like the earlier charges today that Andrew Cuomo made racist statements. Somehow, I suspect the innocent word "unity" will be totally redefined before this campaign is through using it.

Here's further proof of the ugly that Gully Sully chooses to post on his blog, this time apparently from the formerly reputable Washington Post:
"Clinton fought back, but she needs a radio-controlled shock collar so that aides can zap her when she starts to get screechy," - Joel Achenbach, WaPo.

Classy, fellas. Very grade-school recess. I know the country doesn't need that kind of political "dialogue" to further unite us... So much for keeping it dignified and focused on relevant issues, eh Sullivan? Maybe Huckabee can quarantine that kind of nastiness. (Heh!)

Good lord; he's just a treasure trove over there today:
"Obama's Cute"
10 Jan 2008 05:15 pm

Meghan McCain catches the wave. But she's supporting her dad and went on a date with a Ron Paul backer. She really is one of her generation, no?

Sounds to me it's the Boomers like himself and Paglia doing much of the public heavy panting over the Obama's alleged "sexxiness".* Now, can we please not turn this into a "generational thang" while you're still busy playing the race and gender cards in uniting the country? Thanks a bunch!

*Really, what am I missing? Not one to judge potential political leaders on looks myself, but if I hear one more time how "sexxy" Obama is ... somehow he mostly comes across as skinny and smarmy to me. Though I'd love to cook him a nice hot meal -- and find out how that personal battle in kicking the cigarettes is coming. Public health policy interest and all that; why ban smoking and tax the bejeesus out of folks instead of just working to educate, encourage personal discipline, and hoping they're wise enough to take responsibility for their own personal habits?


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