Wednesday, February 20

Last night (Monday)...

we went to the rescheduled Hillary Clinton rally at Monona Terrace. Now this was my second political rally, as I'd seen Gary Hart at Northwestern, just before the Monkey Business/Donna Tart bit hit the news. He was still on the ballot, so I voted for him in the Illinois primary that year. First time voter and all... So I guess I can't be too hard on these idealistic Obama voters, some also voting for their first times this year.

(Update: Correcting my memory by reading up on the events of 20 years ago on Wikipedia, I see my memory indeed failed me. I remember "wasting" my vote in that Illinois primary, but it was well after the "Monkey Business" story broke, and immediately after the Super Tuesday losses that had Hart dropping out of the race... again. Meaning, he was still on the Illinois ballot on which I voted, but no longer a candidate. I was just ticked, I think, that no matter someone's platform or ideals, his womanizing would keep him from pursuing his career. Incidentally, the Hart's have been married for almost 50 years now, according to Wikipedia.)

The speech last night was nothing new to me really, as I'd been following her platforms. Some I agree with, some not necessarily so, but I still think she'll do a better job than either Obama or McCain. It was cool seeing the local politicians, plus Hillary and Chelsea in person. And best of all was talking to the people standing nearby me, an older couple, the Davisson's (sp?) -- he 83 (we got to talking; he told me) and his wife, plus their friend Mrs. Addams (sp?) who had worked with Hillary years ago on childrens' rights issues, and whose husband (I think it was) was a sociology professor at Wisconsin. Just wonderful, very interesting people, who shared a bit about themselves, and their backgrounds. (The Davisson's had met her before, had a picture taken, when she was running for the Senate in New York, where they spend their summers.)

It was good standing near these older folks, and stand we did for the full hour chatting and waiting, and the approximately 40-minute speech. I really do like society's elders -- I think they help me keep things in perspective, and often have the most to offer in terms of conversation.

Mal hung back a bit with the camera*, though I introduced him to them all as we were walking out. Mr. Davisson: "Oh, are you an attorney too?" Me: "Naw, he drives a Zamboni; you know what that is?" -- (Duh; this to a guy who lived for a long period of time in Buffalo, which incidentally did you know, has about 10-20 less inches of snow than Madison this year?)

Well his eyes lit up, a very kind and down to earth man, I surmised in the short period of time I knew him: "Oh, you're the guy everybody wants to take a ride with!" Bless your heart, Mr. Davisson...

Here are 3 pictures from the event:


*Later, Mal mentioned it was mostly "hippies" standing by him. "With bad b.o.", he said. Well, it was late in the day and crowded in there, but I kinda know what he meant, living a few years myself in Madison and all...