Friday, March 13

Oh, I forgot...

Last Friday was such a beautiful day, driving toward Milwaukee, that I finally detoured at a place I've been meaning to visit for years ... Ten Chimneys. The summer/retirement home of Lunt and Fontanne, perhaps one of the earliest (and wisest) "two-fers" (career couples who work together).

Well, you don't need me recapping: read about them on the website.

Now some of you surely might view this as one of those earmarks, money given to up keep historical treasures like their estate in the kettles and moraines of south eastern Wisconsin. Sometimes, you just have to turn that off folks, and visit what's already been done, I suppose.

Anyway, the sign on the main gate says the place doesn't reopen until April (Come back again, darlings); the website says tours begin in May. Still, you got a taste of a beautiful landscape, even in early March, which helps to appreciate earlier people who appreciated the healthy good life.


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