Monday, June 15

Awww ... unity.

In the blogosphere equivalent of the lambs lying down with the lions, Glenn Reynolds takes Andrew Sullivan's lead, and both change their banner color to Volokh Kelly green, in honor of the protesting Iranians.

Awww. And here I thought that purple-finger waving symbolism of a few years back was pretty corny, but I guess if symbolism can bring even competing, ideologically opposed bloggers together, then who knows?

Pass the paint to Palin and Letterman, and let's start one by one to reach out and make this world a better place ... for you and me ... and the children, can't forget the children !

(I do and do and do for you kids! ...)

ADDED: DRAMA! And, as if on cue, Andrew flowers it up and inserts himself into this major international story:

Instapundit Is Now Green
John Cole be damned!

Seriously, whatever our differences on how to tackle foreign policy, whether we're conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican, neocon or post-neocon or noncon, witnessing this struggle for core democratic freedoms puts it all in perspective. There are no sides in this respect. Because this is America. And these people are risking their lives for freedom.

There are no sides... Because this is America ... (*gag*)


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