Memo to Dave.
Dave Letterman: we like you well enough. You're a Hoosier, you've got Harry, and you seem to have mellowed a little in recent years.
But listen? Lay off Sarah Palin's kids, eh? Not Bristol, the allegedly "fallen" woman who's tending to her mothering duties, but innocent Willow who accompanied her mom to a Yankees game, and then had you tell a crude sexual joke about it.
Just lay off the Palin kids, ok? I know they're white Republicans, and anything goes these days against some demographics in these days of diversity, but she's a 14-year-old innocent who went to a ballgame with her mom. Leave her alone, or else take care of what you're opening up ... someday it might be a Harry Letterman, or a Malia or Sasha Obama -- currently on the protected lists -- that the old man comics are hating on.
And surely you'd want good people standing up and defending the right of those innocents to be left alone too, right? "Do Unto Others..." It really is a good rule, even if you've got enough gold to make your own.
Thanks a bunch, Dave. And speaking of stupid human tricks, didn't I see these drunken frat boys in the Borat video?
David Bernstein at Volokh explains why it's probably not wise to judge a group as a whole (here, young Americans) by the drunken blitherings of members of that group caught on video. Sadly though, I've seen drunken attitudes like the ones on display here proudly displayed here in America at our own higher learning institutions. It's good that Bernstein and others see these views as outliers though, and not indicative of American urban and suburban youth, grasping to find their roots outside of their generic "whiteness" here at home. Sadly, identity politics often go astray -- especially in the young dumb drunken youth, particularly when one thinks they are avenging the treatment of ancestors.
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