Monday, November 16

How do you solve a problem like sharia?

I'm not sure what's all so funny about this -- who the joke is on, but it makes sense to my demographic. If you can't deny or charge premiums comparable to the risk, then you're "solving the problem" by forcing the young and healthy to subsidize the sick and elderly.

At the CLE I attended last month, the banker (late 50s, early 60s) was explaining how he structured his mother's finances, so that she could best qualify for elderly and low-income entitlements. Great!

So the young and healthy, and those risk-takers with different priorities just starting out, will continue to pay for this man's mother's coverage, so he is free to use his accumulated resources to travel and consume, instead of using some of his own money to pay for his mother's care.

Next thing you know, we won't be feeling the price of protecting corporate and private interests overseas, because only the fools volunteer to fight these wars.

How long do you think the underclass can continue to effectively fight the battles our upper classes are picking, in order to avoid responsibility and avoid fair play?

Wouldn't it be better if we turn the clock back about 65 years, and come together in identifying and confronting the problems that face us as a nation?

Or do you honestly think we can continue to outsource the work, and still reap the collective benefits? (or is the plan just to make nice with the new world powers, and forget the American dreams of those beneath us?)


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