Wednesday, January 27

Git er done.

Know your role.

Stubborn talk -- I like it.

(Coaching Little League in January?? Coaching swim teams!)

A government that matches our decency. Love it. Even Nancy and Joe look good sitting back there, humble and older -- looking their age in a good way.

Come together people: We ALL hated the bank bailout! Can I get an Amen here??

Does Joe Biden have dentures? Too much smiling is not humble now.

*Hoping he doesn't simplify the "Tax Bad Bankers" theme too much*

Cutting taxes... Haven't done mine for last year yet. Hope they're cut -- never know where I fit in with all these family benefits that don't apply...

Sit down Nancy.

More to spend on gas... keeping gas station workers employed. Eh. We had to pay more for gas, that's no extra.

Blah blah blah. Cops firefighters American jobs tax cuts. Got ya clapping for the Recovery Act now. Hehe. All that government spending money you fiscal conservative say you don't like, want or need... Butcher baker candlestick maker. Example example detail detail Single Mom raising two kids! Boilerplate insert here...

Real quiet now. Losing the crowd... (Sometimes when you play em for cheap applause like that early, it gets quieter, more than if you would have left it natural to begin with, without the artificial emotional encouragement...)

Oh -- jobs. Got some ideas for a few (needed) small businesses of my own... Will he talk deregulation, making it easier to enter the marketplace, with less restrictions... taxes, requirements, parities, etc. etc. ? That's what we need... Not lending money on dumb risks, but making it easier for the little players to start up, without so much (lended or not) capital required to meet all the regulations and requirements enacted on employers today.

8:30 half hour in...

Visiting around the country. Examples, detail. (*Will he introduce America's Heroes section soon? Reagan did that so well.*)

REPEAL NAFTA -- Bring the Jobs back home. (Wait -- did I hear that right? *cue Ross Perot entrance*

Bleh -- sour note. "I want a jobs bill on my desk! ..." Yeah, and I want a pony. (Hint: when being forceful, that's when you go with the "I" talk -- like I will, not I want. Look at how well that's worked for you, waiting around for others to deliver it up to you.)

Waiting... Waiting... Waiting... China be kicking our ass. Others too. More emphasis on math and science. Not us. And today of all days: Never Forget. And always move forward.

More "I want a bill delivered" talk. Lots of applause. God -- do we never learn?

More green jobs talk. Solar panels. Home installation. Yadda yadda. Talking about science and innovation, but not inspiring it via action.

DRILL BABY DRILL ! Suprisingly big applause. The Repub.s woke up?

Clean energy. Nuclear. Laugh about the climate change fudged facts. Talking about winning again, but not much of a game plan.

Speaking of, if we're gonna sell some things, we gotta start making some things again. More money for jobs! *clap clap they go* Sending more food overseas, lots of farmers finding more foreign markets. Product gets canned and labeled with foreign info right here at home. More open markets.

Smarter Americans. More degrees. Buying knowledge. Big factory like schools. Big big big. Conform reform. Somebody in school will inspire your kid to succeed in science and math. We -- parents government -- our role is just to keep talking the game... Diplomas, degrees not so much anymore. Overrated, devalued. But pumping money into pursuing, making college affordable for everyone!

Only 10% to be paid back in student loans if you wait 10 or 20 years... because nobody should have to think first, and pay according to their previous gambles and contracts! You professors and administrators -- I'm looking at you -- you gotta cut expenses too. Yadda yadda. That went nowhere...

Now, let's clear things up. My belt -- didn't want this fight, but fight I will.
45 minutes in... Poor dying Americans with no coverage.

*checking out here for a bit. 8:45. Read my previous posts if you care to hear my opinion of the constitutionality of requiring healthy Americans to purchase a government regulated product to keep other private industries afloat *

Middle class tax cuts. Not for investment fund managers, oil companies, rich folks.

More Medicare Medicaid bills up ahead. Come together to pay our bills. Specific set of solutions -- I want it on my desk again. *Wondering what color pony I'd pick*

Gotta get the job done. Can't leave it to the kids, just the bills to them. Laughing at the freeze taking place ... next year. "That's how budgeting works." More guffaws!

Whup -- the tone toughens when he realizes they're laughing at him. "The problem is: that's what we did for 8 years." *clap clap clap*

Folks: we can't afford to do all this again! Let's try common sense. *Laugh in the crowd* Deficit of trust. Deep doubts about how Washington works. (Nope -- it's what we see that we don't like. No doubt.)

*laughing and under mumbles at the disclosure lobby rule effectiveness* Separation of powers. Supreme Court / last week / flood gates / spend in our elections. (Hello -- can you say, First Amendment? Congress doesn't get to say what's Constitutional. The good law folks had caught that one years ago...)

Earmark reform. *makes me think piglets with tags* "So the American people can see how their money's being spent!!" Reform first, cost cuts first please. Or that could get ugly.

Dumb beliefs. Embarrassment. "You lose, I win." Come together people talk. I don't think it's gonna fly, because he's not addressing that at the root of "the game" is honest, substantive disagreement, and addressing it vocally is what's going to be needed to find solution and peace.

Reminding you: the Dems are in power, and we're not running for the hills. *thinking myself at home: the luckiest Haitians, I suspect, will be those who gave up on the initial aid efforts and took to their hills themselves*

We're here ... to serve. *loud, boastful clapping* Let's show the American people we can do it together. Meetings, that what he proposes. Meetings, meetings ... more meetings.

Turning now to .... Security. Not interested in blame, relitigating the past. Committed to our country to its defense. *Trouble is, some people are good at playing defense, others suck at it. The good ones don't trust the others to make those big decisions. Let's not paper over that.*

Terrorists, working together, homeland security, since I've taken office... Airline intelligence. Prohibited torture. Over hill over dale, we're there. Capturing and killing Terrorists. Increasing troops. Training others to take the lead -- JULY 2011 We're coming home.

*Did y'all get that one everybody? *

Men and women. Afghans -- we're there for them. Leaving Iraq to its people. End this war. That's what I'm doing. End of this August.

*putting dates in calendar, with others I'm sure* Promote regional peace and prosperity ... helping them. But make no mistake: War is Over. Our People Coming Home. (Good luck to the people there.) Let's all be there for the troops -- supporting them when they come home. *Big Clap and Stand line*

Veterans spending up. *Yeah! comes the cheer* Building big VA hospitals. Joining First Lady and Bidens ... here comes the America's Heroes part.

Whoa -- "prosecute" 2 wars? That's a bit lawyerly to kick off the military / foreign policy part, and yes, he is stumbling a bit here. *clapping at Never letting the Arms fall into the Hands of Terrorists.* Sanctions. International Community More United. Iran More Isolated. Promise .. They ... Too... Will Face ... Sanctions.

That's the leadership we're providing, in case you were wondering. More stumbling a bit here... Connecting to climate change, HIV AIDS, bioterrorism. Benefits at home to foreign policy actions abroad. *Dead Silence in the Room *

10,000 Americans working in / with Haiti to rebuild. *Back on their Feet clapping again* Poor kids around the world -- insert examples here -- we're standing with them. Always.

We got big ideas, we Americans do. Abroad... and at home. No matter how you look: Yes You Can. Renewing promises. Civil rights. Employment discrimination. Hate crimes. Yadda Yadda..

THIS YEAR... I will do the right thing and repeal DADT.

Crack down on equal pay laws: women get equal pay for equal days work. *Daddy, what's equal?*

Secure borders. Enforce laws. Enrich nation. *Back into the Clap Mode*

"In the end, it's our ideals, our values..." that forged this nation. Every day, we meet responsiblities to families, employers, neighbors, labor, generous in spirit. *Highlights of DNC speech -- not red values, or blue values, not Republican or Democratic, American values*

Big quiet. Like we're in church, taking in the homily.

Doubts. Tearing down. Silly Arguments. Turn away. No wonder there's so much cynicism out there. Disappointment. Change we can believe in, I sold you. They don't know anymore if I can deliver. Remember this: Not easy this change thing. Not gonna do it alone. Noisy messy this democracy thing. Stirring passion, controversy. That's how it is.

Play it safe? Keep quiet the truths? Keep poll numbers high, or look out for the next generations? 50, 100, 200 years ago -- them early American was stubborn, dammit! Keep the dream alive. For your children, grandchildren. Setbacks shouldn't stop us. *crying? Patrick Kennedy on camera*

The spirit lives on. No fail. No woman no cry. We are strong, we are resilient, we are Americans. We live. A boy's allowance goes to Haiti. Awww... Rescuers pulling folks from the rubble, and chants of ... USA USA! (Ugh -- other nations were rescuing too. That's the last time to be nationalistic, time to subsume actually.)

More quiet, then ... LOUD SHOUTING *clapping* and it's over.


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