Tuesday, January 19

Who will own Haiti? Who? Who?

Personally, I'd be more worried about an unowned Haiti.

Sullivan temporarily drops his fascination with the Trig birther movement, and the up-to-the-minute-Iran-revolution coverage to opine off-the-top-of-his-head on the deaths occurring on an unimaginable scope right now in Haiti:

And Haiti is about as unreformable a place as Afghanistan. Owning it would be an act of insanity. Yes, we need to help provide immediate aid. But no: there is no way we can or should try to remake another failed country.

If not us, who? If not now, when?

Can you imagine if we had sat on our hands during the Holocaust, consciously, just waiting for the troubles to die off alone over there? Never forget. And never get so paralyzed by politics, so addicted to talk and inactivity that you can't appreciate the power of accomplishment.

Inactivity is an easy excuse, when everybody's afraid of making mistakes. But comparing our forays into Iraq and Afghanistan -- our wars there -- to undertaking a massive humanitarian and nation-building program in Haiti where there is essentially a government/power vacuum right now ...

America along with the other leading developed nations can lead the people to recreate their country on a major scale, and there's nobody going to be shooting us down for doing that. Our money invested wisely there can make a difference, perhaps even save us millions in other related expenses in years to come.

If we don't, who will?

This is no time for short-term thinking, when money spent efficiently today at this opportune time of total destruction could pay back for years and years to come (and I don't mean cheap tourist resorts either) ... unlike in our Mideast foreign wars, where worldwide America seems to be garnering more enemies than goodwill.

Something about having to justify killing so many natives ... in order to help save them.


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