Friedman doesn't.
“To put it differently, as it becomes harder to shield yourself from the other guy’s irresponsibility, both he and you had better become more responsible."
Eh. It's a lot like driving defensively. Separate yourself from the pack.
My advice to those living irresponsibly with no thought of tomorrow, and trying to pull me into their self-imposed problems and conflicts? Independence.
It takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice sure, but in the end, it's energy better expended on self, not on trying to convince some bigger, know-better guy why he's not as smart as he thinks he is, and he's actually killing off all chances at a better Quality of Life for his own.
Instead of letting somebody bigger with high maintenance needs take you down, you swim away. Keep yourself afloat. Because until he's ready to change, your own energy is best expended on yourself, not trying to change others or hold up some safety net to catch them.
Survival of the fittest.
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