On Helen Thomas.
It's a bit like bringing down a dotty professor emeritas, isn't it? The victory celebrations are a bit out of proportion to Helen's "threat", dontchathink?
Pretending Helen Thomas' honorary status and the courtesy deferences she was given in anyway made her a powerful player... well, that's a bit like pretending she was advocating "ethnic cleansing" with her ill-chosen words.
Funny, but I've heard of Jews visiting Poland and Germany these days, even living there, and nobody put them on trains or turned them into lampshades or bars of soap.
Let's stop living in the 1930s and 40s, and keep these types of "threats" in perspective. Crying wolf and overestimating the danger represented by 89-year-old Lebanese women serves no one.
She resigned already; let's not too juiced at the victory that we lose sight of more important things happening in the region, which will demand our full attention and wise policy-making soon enough...
(and yeah: 89-year-old women generally are past their "pretty" days. Concentrating on her appearance over her words just goes to show the general lack of substance on topic. And apparently, a lack of other worthy issues to generate copy on.)
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