Saturday, October 2

Frost warning tonight...

Garden gleaning today.

A sunny Saturday, a cornucopia of greens. This summer 2010 is the lushest harvest I have seen. The local paper had an elder write in -- he's got a bitternut hickory tree having a bumper crop, in addition to the acorns.

Not sure if this means we're in for a rough winter, with below-normal temperatures, or if this has something to do with La Nina, and we're going to have a snowy and precipitous winter too.

All I know, is with each additional broccoli harvest opening up new stalks, and the late rains and autumn afternoon suns, there was just more and more every time I went back. Peppers, Brussels, purple cabbages, onions, celery, apples, pumpkins, squash, the few melons that didn't rot out on me...

If I weren't so busy here on the stove, I'd take a picture of their beautiful colors. If you can believe it, they look more showy inside even, than out in the sun.

Have a great Sunday, and beginning of next week. Hoping to make it to Apple Fest in Bayfield tomorrow, and then on to Duluth and maybe Lutsen. The cold brings out the final colors, and much as we might like, those leaves can't hang around forever.

Appreciate 'em while we still can.


OVERHEARD this week:

"What a great day to be alive, amen?"

"It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you... It's what you leave behind you when you go."


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