Wednesday, November 10

Long Time Ago When We Was Fab...

In a bid to keep the NYT relevant to young readers with a quick pulse and a sharp brain*, Brooks tries the fatherly figure thing while Collins continues with the female Dave Barry routine.

And they're citing -- front page news** -- to the Onion now.

Yep, that'll surely draw the young 'uns. Heh.

ADDED: Realistic readers push back in the comments section.

*On second thought, this might just be a ploy to attract Boomer readers who think they are friends with the young people of today...

Still think it's a doubtful strategy though. How about covering ... with a straight, non-biased, who-cares-how-diverse-looking-it-is, face ... the real news as it's happening cross country, with no supplemental, good-for-you, liberal spin?

If you want to draw young readers,
maybe start covering the health insurance mandate from their point of view: do the healthy, non-insured, independent of their parents well shy of 26 year old readers want to be told they must pay premiums to support their aging, often prosperous elders? How do they think about fiscally reforming Social Security, which will have many of them paying in more over their lifetimes than they'll be permitted to pull out? Afterall, without means testing, those families who choose to carry their children until 26 on the family plan might just have elders who live into their 90s drawing more Social Security than they've paid in -- or need to live on -- which is comfortably banked for their downline generations... like the grad school gal who is a dependent on the family income tax until 26.

In short,
if you want younger readers, stop insulting their intelligence. It's funny if you're a Boomer and these fiscal changes are essentially inconsequential -- you're on the Gravy Train for life, so to speak, and pulling your own family members aboard...

Still, I think there's a lot more of regular folk in the potential audience class than there are of young boys and girls who remind you of your own. Besides, I bet a lot of those types are already reading, and still the liberal numbers dwindle.

Maybe True Change won't be led by Jon Stewart and the likes of the Onion? And who knows? Maybe you'll end up liking life as it's practiced off the Gravy Train, independent and healthy where you can choose your own choices even when you are young?

It's the American Dream, baby.
And maybe, if you're lucky, you'll someday practice it independent of the governmental-like mothers and fathers who know best?

As the kids say... Dare to Dream!


**Online edition. How hep!