Tuesday, November 23

OK: Jewels, or ... Junk ?*

I know it's just the way this New Media gloms onto a hot new phrase, but...

Word choice can be telling. A way of judging.
(Like, How a Man Treats his Mother.)

So can passive protests at ... "grunts", with expert pundits now apparently endorsing the need for psychologists to be on-hand at airports, for those survivors of sexual abuse -- especially think of the children! -- who either are selected, or opt to undergo the full-frontal patdown, rather than the more non-invasive machine screening: What if they flashback to abuse, and freak?

Just hope you don't get a person with a dramatic flair, and looking for a good place to apparently vent some political frustration, in front of you in the security line.

My point?
We can easily argue and discuss, and voice our displeasures in a myriad of ways, at something important. But pretending that a child was forced into a strip search, when his father merely got frustrated with the slowness of the procedure and yanked the kid's shirt off to show: No bomb. ... Keep your kid's shirt on, if you're worried. Or to say that the TSA pissed on someone who apparently went through the checkpoint with a full bladder bag... Who does this help?

It takes away from the legitimate concerns. So, to review ... no child strip searches; sorry, no can afford on-call shrinks in case someone "freaks out" in line -- bring your own if it's a concern. Nobody really wants to root through your extra-large package for pleasure either. And please remember ... don't show your superiority attitude at the "front line grunts".

We can't all be law college professors you know. Somebody has to be the do-ers, the workers who keep the system moving.

And I wonder if more of the talker experts stepped away from their computers and actually interacted in real world America more often -- mixing with the people, getting outside, unconstipating the attitude, so to speak -- they'd be less likely to go off on the "grunts" or freak in the line...

Just Sayin':
No body likes a man faking mountains where there's molehills, and again, legitimate concerns get lost amongst the more junk concerns, and the outright falsities.

Trust me:
the kids'll be fine without the helicopter psychologists along for the ride. Now get out there and don't be so scared of being molested! (That's really what a lot of these social issues seem to come down to in the end, no?)


First Nomination for "Ugly Phrasing o' the Year":

Joshua Green: "From Marc Ambinder's report on the White House and TSA decision to "double down" on invasive and absurd junk pat-downs of toddlers, elderly, etc., ..."



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