Wednesday, July 27

Keep'n It Real.

The truth is that with Washington still unable to reach an agreement on the deficit and the budget, with the game of chicken continuing to a point that no parent would allow* out on a playground, everyone's base is crumbling.

Come now, Susan.
Tell me, how exactly do you "play a game of chicken" on the playground? Um, no. Mom can't just step in and "fix" this, because ... Mom's not around. Daddy neither.

It's a game from within.
Let's just hope nobody's got their foot stuck on the pedal, eh? Nevermind holding out for a hero.


* That's a nice concise summary of liberal thinking though. As if, all of life can be "controlled" and it's just up to our ... betters to step in and intervene and protect us. Don't get me wrong. I'm not calling for a regulation-free society. But from where I sit stand, we're getting the whole damn thing all wrong. In trying to safetyproof the world, we're losing the individual critical skills of knowing how and when to act ourselves. We're relying too much on our ... betters, for protection, and safety. For somebody to intervene on our behalves, instead of relying on our own instincts and commonsense. (ie/ "I don't care what the advertisers or marketers promise. Consuming that product makes you sick. Now turn off the lights and get some sleep. Now.")

If you teach like that -- not the government, the adult in the privately grouped families -- then you understand, at some point, they grow up. That's a good thing.

Pretending at 26 a child is still an adult to be carried... structuring the economy so against young people that they need to be tied to their parents apronstrings pocketbooks to "make it" ... there's something very wrong with a society that selects on the perceived power of your parents, over true merit.

We all want to "look out" for our own. But at what expense? Artificially promoting the immature, keeping the culture in a kiddie mode, or worse, an adolescent male "badboy" stage (and the slut girls who love 'em!), again, there's something very wrong with a society that shuns grownups and adult pleasuresand activities.

Spoiled children makes poorly equipped adults. And perhaps, all this gameplaying now, is a result of all these elites operating in an artificial world, with little true natural consequences. "I just have to best you" to get ahead for me. That's the attitude in some sad place. Not competing to be the best. Not even understanding how America got where she did, the tremendous teamwork to win a war, built rockets and technologies, and remain disciplined internally to build a strong society postwar.

Not the way we're heading now. Rewarding dependency, creating government-families, relying on others to educate and entertain us.

In a good way, the signs are there. Only question now is, who will garner enough true followers to call themselves a leader? For real.

My money's on change, all right.
They all grow up eventually.

ADDED: Gaack! More artificial nonsense from Estrich, on how not to go...
Deserting the president "in droves," if that's how you want to describe it, doesn't help anyone. The blame game goes nowhere. It encourages precisely the sort of no-win politics that is paralyzing Washington during this long, hot summer.
We have to save ourselves, and we won't do it by acting like the children in Washington.

Where I come from, loyalty is not about standing by your man when times are good. That's not loyalty; it's just common sense. It's not the hard thing to do; it's the easy thing to do.

Loyalty is about tough times, tough decisions, standing by your man on the hard days.

I don't like the economy any more than the next person. I'm blessed to be secure, to be able to pay my bills and educate my kids, but believe me, that isn't true for many of the people around me, for family and friends. When unemployment is as high as it is, when housing prices have dropped as low as they have, no one is untouched. But that's not a reason to desert a president who has kept his promises and is struggling to secure a deal that will not betray those most in need.

I don't approve of everything the president has done. Who would? He's not my puppet. But I strongly disapprove of any Democrat who stands up to try to block his re-election because they think that somehow they could do better. If it were easy, we'd all be on the beach, including President Obama.


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