Wednesday, November 2

Jewish Media Kabal?

I wonder if the people on this list, who conspired to commit "journ-o-lism", recognize in retrospect why it's not a good idea to be secretive, exclusive and "leading" in shaping tomorrow's news.

I wonder too, if they recogize how very little "diversity"* there is in this self-selected club. And yes, call me a Rick Sanchez, but it's interesting to me how many of these higher-ups in the media world are ethnically Jewish, if not practicing religiously.

Things that make you go "Hmmm..."

(I wonder what the spin will be if Israel indeed bombs Iran. Naturally, that's also in America's foreign policy interest, eh? If you're listening to the "right" people, I suppose.)

* ADDED: Ta-Nehisi!
Here I didn't know they offered a "Journolist on Tape" option...

And, I wonder whose girlfriend Sara Mead was to make it on da boys' list. Annie Lowrey is Mrs. Ezra Klein now ... and looks a bit like Mrs. (the latest) Peter Orswag in that pose, actually. Who said the Jewish culture is pro-male; not for the pretty picks, lady journolist!

Updated list, names only though.

Picked up from below:
"When you're thinking of all the things you want, but don't have, don't forget to also calculate in all the things you don't want that you don't have. "

"Tonight, thank G-d it's them, instead of you!"