Monday, January 23

Page 198.

Ibid, W.L. White:
"Back at the quarters I found an old navy captain who'd arrived the day before -- used to be in charge of the industrial department at Cavite. He listened to my story, and MacArthur's promise, and then said, "The way it looks, I don't think I'm getting out.' Then he talked about the thirty years he'd spent in the navy, all of them training so he would be useful in case of war, and you could see it was discouraging for him to end like this -- apparently forgotten by the country he had wanted to serve. What had his life been for?

"He warned me not to count on it -- 'There aren't enough planes and gas to take us all.' He was discouraged himself, and for the next six days the old man talked it all the time -- we are not getting out, can't get out, won't get out. I suppose he was afraid to get his own feeble hopes up.
"I went back to my quarters and had just packed to go when the phone rang. I was to report to General Sharp at the landing field at once, and bring everything I had with me.

"The old navy captain who shared my quarters knew what that meant. 'Good luck, Kelly! You were right," he said. There were tears in his eyes, and I could see why. He'd devoted his life to his country, and yet here at the end, in spite of rank and those years, it wasn't enough.

"What they needed outside now was technicians in the new weapons, and that meant young fellows like me. So now, in spite of the many things he was able and trained to do, and wanted to do, they weren't quite enough, so he was to stay and die in a fox hole or be captured. I said what I could, but it wasn't much, because the old man already knew."

R.I.P. Joe Paterno.
Sincerely. You did nothing wrong, and were robbed of due process by those to whom you were loyal. Cause of death? Broken Heart.


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