Thursday, February 2

What’s a Republican Feminist To Do?

asks the NYTimes.

In the winter line-up of Republican presidential candidates, a moderate pro-choice Republican woman has no choice. She might feel as if she were so, well, last century.

Thankfully, women have medical, technological, educational and social options to prevent pregnancy before an intentional abortion occurs that were not available to the women of yesteryear.

Here's an idea: educate yourself on birth control methods, remember to use whatever method(s) you choose -- even if you have spontaneous sex, or get drunk and tipsy, and ask yourself perhaps before you choose to conceive if you would be comfortable raising a "non perfect" disabled child, or one that might otherwise have a superficial characteristic that you're not dreaming of in your "perfect family".

Honestly, if you follow these simple steps -- as I'm confident the majority of American women can, educated and well-to-do or not -- you'll probably never be called upon to make that "choice" of having to terminate an unborn growing person's life, or not.

Does that help any, "Republican Feminist Voter"?


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