Wednesday, August 22

May I Return, to the Beginning...

the light was dimming,
but the Dream was true.

Hope you've enjoyed our virtual parade:  a highlight of nostalgia, a bit of old time Americana, served up with a still healthy respect for the American Dream, I think...

Been busy here.  Some stories I've written, but intend to ... "shop around" rather than putting my work here, gratis.

Summer is blooming -- "From Garden to Kitchen" is a small binder book Ruth gave me years ago, each vegetable gets a page, and it offers practical advice for putting away what you've grown.  ("Putting away" in terms of both getting it into your body immediately, as well as preparing for the winter to come.)

Summer's lease hath all too short a date
True enough here:  the drier summer, the morning chill, the sunny afternoons and decreased daylight -- all contributing to the yellowing and downfall already of early leaves, and premature green acorns.

Who knows what's to come?, but it can never hurt to be properly prepared.

ADDED:  No, I'm not collecting acorns, green or otherwise, for food.  (But thanks for asking...)