Sunday, October 28

Overheard at the Dog Park...


A woman explaining, more than complaining, about an upcoming vote at her husband's workplace, a nursing home, where the employees were deciding whether they wanted to remain in the union or not.

Her husband is management; the union apparently put up posters with his face next to a can of beans, "This is what Rich (?) will give you."

That didn't bother her so much, she said.
He'll keep his job either way.

She wished they'd just vote -- if they want to stay in the union, fine; if they don't, fine too. Just this is getting childish is all...

Why, some people are even leaving muffins on the windshields of non-union supporting employee vehicles in the parking lot to draw the seagulls, which poop all over the place...
People, it's getting ugly out there, I tell ya.
(Kidding. I couldn't help myself: I cracked a smile. What will they think of next?)

Enjoy your Sunday.