Tuesday, October 16

Short on Time?

Here's a fast and dirty summary of my post below:

Remember: the number one thing Sen. Clinton owes her political career to is standing by her man, and "missing" all the signals that he was a chronic cheat early on...

Either she is good at keeping her eyes closed, like Maria Shriver, or else she is not very observant as to what is happening around her. Either way, it's a troubling trait, and despite all the " I take responsibility" words now, not a good omen.

Remember when her husband was running the first time, and her assurances about his character went far toward electing him? Turns out, if we'd listened to those early rumblings, there might never have been a Monica Lewinsky ... or a GWB as political backlash.

Just sayin': she has a background track record of trust issues herself. Let's not let that go so easy, as it might be relevant to this situation too. (?) Stand by your man... despite what you know, or should know, in your position. Not a good policy in the long run.....
