Monday, December 17

How Low Can They Go?

UW Law Professor Ann Althouse links to her colleague Tenn. Law Professor Instapundit Glenn Reynolds:

"What is the gun community going to do about this tragedy?"

"I dunno. What is the gay community going to do about Penn State?”
Those two new media bloggers. Nothing is too offensive (and stupid) for them to exploit for blog hits, I suppose.

Can't we get some early buyout retirement for these law professor types? Haven't they realized their days in the sun are over, and they're just kinda embarrassing themselves and their schools by association?

Heh. Not funny.
ADDED: The rabble respond:
AF said... Right, because gay people are to raping boys as semiautomatics are to killing people.
Fucking bigots.

Inga said...
Another weird false analogy, such grasping, overreach.

Coketown said...
I wonder how the GRE would frame an analogy question like this.
Gun owners : Murderers ::
A) Homosexuals : Rapist pedophiles
B) Canaries : Birds
C) Pasta : Italians
D) Coketown : Awesome
and AF again:
The reason the gun community has to answer for this tragedy is that the policies they advocate are coming under attack and they have to decide whether and how to defend them. Stigmatization has very little to do with it. I'm sure some lefties have said bad things about gun owners and if they hurt your feelings, I apologize on their behalf. But to draw an analogy between pedophilia and homosexuality on one hand, and guns and killing people on the other, is blatant homophobia. Which will always draw a hearty fuck you from me.
Here's another, hitting back hard:
garage mahal said...
RE: "InstaPundit thinks that it would be absurd and ridiculous to blame all gays for the minuscule percentage of gays who are serial rapists"

That's the same ridiculous excuse some Catholics use to excuse rapes by priests in their Church. "They were just gay!"
Cap'n Chaos said...
I guess nobody has informed you folks that the vast majority of pederasts are in fact hetrosexuals?
one more time for the slow folk...
AF said...
"do the lefties here really not realize that the analogy works precisely because it is false that "all gays are responsible for Penn State" and it is also fault that "all gun owners are responsible for Newtown?"

No, I don't realize that all. Both statements are false, but the analogy is homophobic. Why? Because the premise of the analogy is that guns -- the defining characteristic of the gun community -- bear the same relationship to killing people as homosexuality -- the defining characteristic of the homosexual community -- does to child rape.
Last words:
MadisonMan said...
The analogy works if Jerry Sandusky is a member of the Gay Community. Is he? And if he is, why? (I ask that because he is apparently happily married (to a delusional woman, but still....), which argues against his homosexuality.
"Gays as a community don't support gay rape."

Jerry Sandusky is not part of the gay community, nor is he identified as a homosexual. He's a pederast. The gay community has nothing to do with it, as he never was part of that, nor did they ever advocate any policies that would let you link them with pedastery. It simply does not compare to the NRA advocating policies like rapidload Bushmaster rifles, which are not used by any true hunter, but are just target toys for overgrown boys.

(Cue the NAMBLA comments in 3-2-1...)
The ignorance keeps going and going...
bagoh20 said...
RE. "Sandusky wasn't homosexual.
He was a pedophile."

Oh C'mon, grow up. He was both. He's queer, he's here, deal with it.
Punching back harder:
Palladian said...
RE "Oh C'mon, grow up. He was both. He's queer, he's here, deal with it."

There is no evidence that Sandusky evinced any attraction to or interest in sexually developed men. That's not homosexuality, that's pedophilia.
And how does a supposedly intelligent law professor, or two, put somebody in a "community" that he's never identified with, never participated in or advocated for? If that's their definition of "community", no wonder these affluent folks and their kids are so screwed up... (Hint: you gotta actually be IN the community to be considered a part of it, no?)