Friday, September 6

Splitting the Baby... or, What Value Current Life?

It's a Solomonic choice, no?
Does your respect for the children, the people of Syria overcome your hatred of dictatorship and acts of war that are morally repulsive?

Need we disrupt further those Syrians clinging to basic norms of civilian life, simply to reign* down destruction and death and undoubtedly create more displaced refugees on the run?  Most importantly, what comes next once we've got those hawkish urges out of our system?

Who really pays for our ... feel-good  symbolic demonstrations of moral strength? 
The baby that would be cut in half, Solomon says, or simply shredded to pieces...

 *sic, intentional. 
Kings simply overrule their people, right?

ADDED:  He's no John Wayne...

Pope Francis has called upon all the faithful worldwide to join in a day of prayer and fasting of September 7 for peace in the Middle East, and especially in Syria.    

At his Angelus audience on Sunday, September 1, the Pope announced his plans for the day of prayer, to be held on “the vigil of the birth of Mary, Queen of Peace.” He called all Catholics to join in the prayer and fasting, and issued an invitation to “each person, including our fellow Christians, followers of other religions and all men of good will, to participate, in whatever way they can, in this initiative.”  ...     

“With utmost firmness I condemn the use of chemical weapons,” Pope Francis said, saying that such offenses incur the “inescapable” judgment of God and of history.     At the same time the Pope signaled clearly that he would oppose a US-led military intervention.

“Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake,” he said. “War begets war, violence begets violence.”   

“With all my strength, I ask each party in this conflict to listen to the voice of their own conscience,” the Pope said. He exhorted international leaders to promote efforts toward peaceful negotiations. He also encouraged humanitarian aid to the innocent victims of the conflict.