Tuesday, January 28

*Now that's using your head...

Fighting smart isn't all instinct.
Done properly, it can be a learned behavior...

Northwestern University football players — led by former quarterback Kain Colter — reportedly have signed union cards in their attempt to form a labor union for college athletes.

ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” reports Ramogi Huma, the president of the National College Players Association, filed a petition in Chicago on behalf of an undisclosed number of Northwestern players to the National Labor Relations Board. The NCPA also filed union cards signed by the players, according to the report.
Huma told “Outside The Lines” that the move to unionize players at Northwestern started with quarterback Kain Colter, who reached out to him last spring and asked for help in giving athletes representation in their effort to improve the conditions under which they play NCAA sports. Colter became a leading voice in regular NCPA-organized conference calls among players from around the country.

After the ESPN report was released, Colter spoke with the Chicago Tribune‘s Teddy Greenstein:

“A lot of people will think this is all about money; it’s not,” Colter said. “We’re asking for a seat at the table to get our voice heard.”

Regarding the prospects of unionizing, Colter said: “Everything now is in the hands of the lawyers. We’re not expecting a decision to be made right away. It might take a year or two or go all the way to the Supreme Court.”
The NFL Players Association supports the efforts of the NCPA, according to a statement to Pro Football Talk.

“Resolved, that the NFLPA pledges its support to the National Collegiate Players Association (NCPA) and its pursuit of basic rights and protections for future NFLPA members.”