Saturday, January 11

Setting Words to Music...

" Well the night's busting open
These two lanes will take us anywhere.
We got one last chance to make it real
 ~ The Boss.

She's not an advice-giver columnist, but my guess
after reading Maureen Dowd is were she a close staffer,
she would have urged Gov. Christie* to come clean already,
for strategic if not ethical reasons.  (not that I speak for the lady
herself, but that's what I took.  ~copyeditor's soundtrack to read by. )

*fwiw: He's always reminded me of old man Daley, but without the competence, loyalty and local long plan.  There was a strategic git-er-done politician, but parochial; working better on the local, not the national level.

He wasn't into power for it's own sake necessarily, but knew how to use it to build and get what he wanted, unlike the current president.

Both bullies  as m.o.'s though...

*modus operandi; I don't do Latin.