Saturday, June 21

Spinning Scott Walker.

Here's the take from rabid Scott supporters, downstate:

"The prosecutors lost in the courts and are using the press to do damage anyway. "
Who released the emails?
Don't spin it, just read.
It might not be illegal, but it's not pretty.
"Wisconsin:  Open for Business."
(or Wisconsin:  Up for Sale.)?

Walker will sell himself out, in time.  He's a money man, that's what he values, not state resources.  He doesn't much know the value of things, but he can add dollars and votes. Winning combination, but now always.  Eric Cantor, anyone?

If you don't know who Gov. Scott Walker is (non-college grad, professional politician from career day 1, evangelical, first-term Wisconsin governor who survived a recall attempt, wanna-be friend of Karl Rove and the Koch brothers), that's ok.  No need to concern yourself, really...

Some thought though, that the evangelical might have a bright future on the national stage.  He's been trotting around the country fundraising, and making speeches.  He was involved in a lawsuit, alleging he was coordinating PAC campaign money to support his candidacy, but two judges who examined the legal issues tossed the lawsuit...

I don't think that helped Scott much, taking things out of the court and into the court of public opinion.  Why?  Because people can read, and what he was doing in those emails is not pretty.  Not -- if you think like the average Wisconsin citizen and are not a professional political player -- if you understand the governor's job to be protecting and planning for the future of our state.

The emails show... he's pretty much all about Scott's success, Scott's future, Scott's need for cash.  Raising money for his campaigns.  Writing to Karl Rove (who wisely, did not reply back) about the incoming cash.  Thing is... the judges found, even if he were coordinating the money coming in and allocating where it was spent, this is not illegal.

Still, it's not pretty.  And he definitely was involved -- right smack dab in the center of things, the emails show.  So rabid supporters can complain about the media spin, but the facts are indeed now coming out, where they might have been more hidden, and their significance downplayed, if this matter currently had been kept in courts, with the legal mechanisms -- rules of evidence, judges' rulings -- determining their importance.

Now, it's all coming out.
And while it seems Gov. Walker has indeed escaped any legal consequences, sure does look like he's operating like a Washington politician here, especially with all of the out-of-state fundraisers.