Wednesday, August 20

A Song for Jim.

You shall cross the barren desert
but you shall not die of thirst.
You shall wander far in safety
though you do not know the way.
You shall speak your words in foreign lands
and all will understand.
You shall see the face of God and live.

Be not afraid
I go before you always.
Come follow Me
and I will give you rest.

If you pass through raging waters
n the sea, you shall not drown.
If you walk amidst the burning flames
you shall not be harmed.
If you stand before the pow'r of hell
and death is at your side
know that I am with you, through it all.

Be not afraid.
I go before you always.
Come follow Me
and I will give you rest.

Blessed are your poor
For the Kingdom shall be theirs.
Blest are you who weep and mourn
for one day you shall laugh.
And if wicked men insult and hate you
All because of Me
blessed, blessed are you!

Be not afraid.
I go before you always.
Come follow Me
and I will give you rest.
~ Bob Dufford, S.J.