Friday, November 21

Watching CNN.

U.S. Reps. Sean Duffy (WI) and Luis Gutiérrez (IL) are on tv now, discussing last's night's immigration move.

Journalist Cuomo tossed the opening pitch to Duffy, who took that as an opportunity to spill all of his talking points. He didn't answer the question though, of what he heard from the president last night that he disagreed with.

(Sounded like he too wanted the president to go further: covering 7 million more workers -- those without children yet, say).


Ohh.... Chris Cuomo is DEVASTATING "Chairman" Sean Duffy...
Funny thing is: Duffy does not know how bad he is doing!! Cuomo is playing him, "Good cop (the "Chairman" ego-stroking)/Bad cop ("I will not call you 'Louie' in this formal context...", paraphrasing the dig.)

Cuomo even tried to help, give fair warning -- telling Duffy straight out he did not answer the opening question, thrice telling Gutiérrez to jump in and rejoin, thus implying Duffy should stop the monologuing) -- but Duffy is laughing off these cues, making it about him, telling us how nice-sounding he likes his new title, (though it is off-topic on the immigration issue and looks less than modest here)...

Congressman Duffy  believes he speaks for "the American people", and on immigration he too "wants to get this done". He knows what we American people want from our Congress, and he thinks the president is "going it alone".

Now he's preaching at us about bad tone and tenor...

But coming in last, it's Gutiérrez for the win!! describing the president's speech last night:
"He humanized us. He told our story... and for that, I am always going to be thankful."

"Duffy and I will be back with a bill."

Gutiérrez ends strong, predicting that on this issues, plenty of people will stand behind the president, despite Duffy's squawk of the recent election results, knowing what "the American people" want from his perch up in Northern Wisconsin, and his previous work out in The Real World... 


ADDED:  Did Duffy just pile worse upon bad and threaten the environment via executive action EPA repeal, should a Republican president be elected in 2016? I think I heard him toss that out, in desperation, at the end...  He was catching on, finally I think.  Watching the tape will not be pretty...

Respectfully: not ready for prime time...  His assumed superiority over his colleague showed, and  Gutiérrez clubbed him over the head with it, then even extended a hand for Duffy to get back up.  ("Duffy and I will be back with a bill.")

That's when, I think I heard, Duffy's tierra threat...
Somebody get the tape and check it out for me?

I think the Democratic political strategy here is to shame the Republican Congress into passing a bill, and letting the president back off taking the reins through this executive action.  God help us if the Republicans are going to turn this into a game of chicken, making threats and waiting to see who blinks first...

Will this be the moment the president decides to stand up to their threats and indeed act in their absence, if need be?  Hope the newcomers' strength can buck him up.