Monday, June 1

Full Moon Out There.

Full Strawberry Moon...
tomorrow night, officially.

ADDED: Also in the overnight hours, the Patriot Act expired!
Please, no more referring to the United States as the homeland.

Lowest-common-denominator thinking applied to military strategy* and domestic surveillance techniques appears to do more internal damage to the country's fabric than any blows inflicted domestically in the culture wars. Just saying. (First amendment rights and all...) Trust, but verify. Verify hard...

* "Hey kids, let's put on a show! Shocking and awesome? Now where shall we stage this thing? Iraq? Well, it's not like they attacked us or anything, but this Big Dog is ambling off the provincial porch, spreading things we got here -- especially guns and weaponry -- over there! Missionary work, sharing like. God bless the guns, and thank 'em for their service."

It's over.