Tuesday, September 8

The Angry American Beat?

Perhaps Dean Baquet ought to consider it,
as an offset to the Top 1% beat that was recently proposed, and apparently enthusiastically accepted...

Seriously, I'm not a paid consultant charging thousands or anything, but I think what The Times ownership is missing is that -- if they ever were "America's paper", that role has been seriously lost in this age of the diversification and division of media into separate identity groups. The Times is an elite mouthpiece now, serving its primarily wealthy liberal New York readers what they want to read about, paid for by advertisers selling products that are laughingly out of reach to everyday citizens.

The comments skew liberal, and out-of-touch with everyday concerns.
The TImes -- in its quest to be all things to all people, with the transgender coverage just the latest over-the-top crusade -- has lost the ability to hear people. And that's a dangerous thing for a journalist to lose.

Pity the loss.