Wednesday, October 7

We are Called to Act with Justice.

We are called to love tenderly.
We are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God.

* Working the 7:30am to 4pm x5 firm-set days,
with the commute to boot. I like being early,
and getting a step ahead of traffic.

Best part about working in the city? People!
(You don't see them much in winter, and as long as I have been here, I still don't understand the passive-aggressive Minnesota Nice. Be yourself, all seasons. That's my mantra. Today. ;-)

It is better to be respected than to be liked.
And yes, sometimes you do have to choose, as a woman and a man too, I'm sure. The number one person who cares about your own respect is you. So be respectable, even if it costs you likes.

** Sometimes, I'm just talking out loud here, you know...