Wednesday, January 20

The Socialist and the Reparations Thang.

You wouldn't understand...
I think Ta-Nehisi Coates is throwing his weight around here.

Mr. Coates, whose “Between the World and Me,” about his experience as a black man in America, won the National Book Award for nonfiction last year, also more broadly criticized what he called Mr. Sanders’s “class first” approach to racial inequality.
While Mr. Sanders, in the same response in Iowa, said the answer, instead of reparations, was creating jobs, making public colleges free and directing more resources to poor communities, Mr. Coates wrote that this view addresses “black people not so much as a class specifically injured by white supremacy, but rather, as a group which magically suffers from disproportionate poverty.”
Mr. Coates wrote that Mr. Sanders “should be directly confronted and asked why his political imagination is so active against plutocracy, but so limited against white supremacy.”
It must be a tough slog for Mr. Coates, earning that undergraduate degree for himself as a black man.  He doesn't seem to respect education much in his family or to be working to change the culture he was raised under...

Raising the minimum wage doesn’t really address the fact that black men without criminal records have about the same shot at low-wage work as white men with them; nor can making college free address the wage gap between black and white graduates,” Mr. Coates wrote. 
Mr. Coates wrote that he had hoped to talk directly with Mr. Sanders before publishing and that he had reached out to Mr. Sanders’s campaign over the last three days but did not receive a response.

If you can't convince an East Coast Jewish socialist with no party loyalties to fund your anti-education crusade, who can you count on? Perhaps Coates has another black presidential candidate waiting in the wings, one who has signed on to the equality-for-all platform of equal distribution based not on needs but on skin color.  Maybe, a black WOMAN even... does he think he's holding a trump card here, or is he just bluffing on his double down??

It will be a fun race, I think.
A real cultural clash between the doers of all races and the talkers/protesters artificially pumped up with all their young hopes and youthful demands...
Waka-kaka-kanda! Oooo-whee!