Sunday, January 3

This is Ourselves... Under Pressure.

or, Last Dance?

 His entire legacy is resting now on making real reform happen,” said David Axelrod, a friend and brother-in-arms from the Obama White House.
There's a lot of talk* in this article about Rahm leading in a crisis, but he does not appear to have learned from the McDonald shooting.

Christmas night, Bettie Jones was shot dead, an innocent woman.
What is the name of the officer who shot her? Is Ms. Alvarez considering bringing criminal charges? Where is the surveillance video from the house being built across the street, and when will it be made available to the public? Is there any dashboard video or audio from the responding police cars?

How long did it take for the first responders to begin giving medical care to Ms. Jones? Is Mr. Emanuel currently making monetary offers to her family, after he apologized and met with them in private?

After 30 days, does the cop who killed Ms. Jones return to the streets, under the new policy? The clock is ticking... tomorrow is Monday... the activists should be ready to file their Freedom of Information act requests in court.

I pray to God the poor people of Chicago are not willing to wait another year to demand Rahm tell the truth about the Christmas Day killings. 

He hasn't learned... but have they?


The videotape was handled in precisely the same way such tapes and evidence have been historically,” the mayor wrote in a Dec. 4 op-ed in the Chicago Tribune with the headline “I Own the Problem of Police Brutality, and I’ll Fix It.”
Rahm wrote, “No one could have predicted that it would take more than a year to finish the probe.”
From Day One, the mayor has taken on deep-rooted challenges that had built up in Chicago over past decades to stabilize pensions and finances, create economic opportunity throughout the city, improve educational opportunities for our children, and reform the police culture,” Emanuel’s spokesman Adam Collins said in an email.
No one leads through a crisis better than Rahm,” said Sarah Feinberg, one of Emanuel’s closest former aides in Congress and the White House. “He understands that these moments, tough as they are, are the ones that ultimately lead to transformative change.”
His entire legacy is resting now on making real reform happen,” said David Axelrod.

Sooner, rather than later...
Solid facts, over spin...
Justice, not money.

If you can't get the job done, put your moneyed interests to the side and permit the man who can.  Save yourself, so to speak...


'Cause Love's such an Old-Fashioned Word
and love dares you 
to care for
the people on the edge of the night
and love dares you to change our way 
caring about ourselves
This is our last dance
This is ourselves
Under pressure