Saturday, February 13

Hillary for the Court.

If we're speculating already, let's at least write about the most obvious political speculation we can speculate:

President Obama nominates Hillary to the Court, after her primary, or November loss. 
If a Republican has won the White House, a deal likely could be cut to get her approved by the Senate. 
No  doubt she's be satisfied, and as much of her career progress has been built on the pity vote it seems, I can't see her rejecting such a prize, if offered....  The Scalia seat going to HRC, that would be some rough justice, really.
And, there will be plenty of time for the Republican president to later re-stock the Court...
Just think about it, that's all I'm saying...
Know your role, and who fits best where.

(and remember, as the junior Justice, Clinton would be responsible for getting up every time in Chambers with the others and opening the door... She'd be humbled, and honored, too.)