Wednesday, April 27

By Jove... I think they've got it!

The New York Times is listening to its readers:

To the Editor:
Re “Trump in a Sweep of Eastern States; Clinton Wins in 4” (front page, April 27):
One of the hot topics of the primary elections is whether Donald Trump will win enough delegates to avoid a contested convention. I’m not writing this in support of him or any other candidate, but let me get this straight. If Mr. Trump is just a few votes shy of the 1,237 mark, other candidates actually have a viable chance of securing the nomination at the Republican Convention?
Can we allow a small number of establishment delegates to reverse the decision of the overwhelming majority of Republican voters? While the answers to both questions should be a resounding “No!,” that is exactly what might happen.
Love Mr. Trump or hate him, America and our entire electoral system were founded on the principle of democracy by the people. Barring a virtually impossible comeback by Ted Cruz in the remaining primaries, a Trump loss at a contested convention would undermine everything our great country was built upon, and would mean that the votes of you, me and every other American citizen mean absolutely nothing.
Apopka, Fla.
To the Editor:
Re “The Donald Trump Pygmalion Project” (editorial, April 26):
Millions of voters agree with you that Donald Trump is unfit to be president, as do I. Yet Mr. Trump should be commended for having brought to the fore the voices of many millions who feel disenfranchised and disaffected from the current political and economic situation. These voter concerns should be a priority for the next president.
New York