Monday, April 4

Now Cruz Doesn't Want to Play Patsy?

Someone should tell him, all the downstate Wisconsin support he is receiving? Nobody is voting for him as president.

The establishment Republicans in Wisconsin are all voting Cruz, so they can eliminate Trump on technicalities.

If Ted Cruz thinks that anyone approves of his work in Congress, or wants to see him as president one day, he ought to wake up to the Jeb Bush/Paul Ryan/Scott Walker plans for him...

He's seen as a spoiler: nothing more, nothing less.

Ted Cruz Insists Only He, or Trump, Should Be Nominee

MADISON, Wis. — Senator Ted Cruz of Texas on Monday warned the Republican Party against pushing an “uber-Washington lobbyist” as a possible nominee at a contested convention, insisting that only he or Donald J. Trump should be chosen.

MEANWHILE: Somebody help the poor old female law professor to decide who she should vote for in Wisconsin's primary tomorrow. C'mon fellas: independent thinking is not her strong suit...

(Aren't the ladies all supposed to be satisfied with the right to terminate the lives of their unborn children? What is a more powerful issue than that to entrust in their hands? I mean: what other issues could matter to the women voters? Free daycare/breakfasts/Head Start for their impoverished children born out of wedlock? Let the men handle the economy and foreign policy: help her out on how to vote, gentlemen.)