Wednesday, April 13

News SmashUp.

News Q’s | Journalist Responds to Her Critics and Becomes a Media Star

What do you think? Is “this cute little girl” a “real journalist”? Why or why not?
I presume she is cashing the checks, so there's that...
She's on the anti-Trump bandwagon, solidifying her skill...
Rush Limbaugh once called her out for shame by name!
She credits Dave Barry, and Gail Collins, as influences...
Harvard legacy, from college paper to WaPo columnist...
Humor, guys!  It's all about the funny in news today!!

I Vote Yes.  Thanks for asking. 

ADDED:  Isn't this how Megyn Kelly got her start?  She's got legs; she knows how to use them...

UPDATE:  I forgot though. Not enough to just have a bangin bod in journalism today.  How easily does she bruise?  Remember, the women journolists who get their names known nationally have to be able to quickly insert themselves into the action, to mix it up in the press-conference scrum and sustain fingerprint bruising on the arm very quickly, after only a seconds-only near-contact with protected national leaders.  Not everyone has the physical ability to take abuse like that in their career...