Monday, June 27

U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Turns out, President Obama is a better killer than George W. Bush!

KUNDUZ, Afghanistan — American airstrikes in northern Afghanistan killed at least seven hostages being held in a Taliban prison on Saturday, according to accounts from the families of victims and local officials from the immediate area. Some accounts put the death toll as high as 16.  ...
President Obama recently expanded the authority for American forces to use airstrikes against Taliban targets. Under the new rules, airstrikes no longer need to be justified as necessary to defend American troops. The first such strikes were carried out earlier this month, the Pentagon said.

Way to go, Chief!
Who sets the rules?
WE set the rules...

(Don't let those libs tell you guns and killing aren't the answer.  More violence, please.  It's what America is good at these days:  death and destruction, and anonymity and unaccountability...)

"Obama... Out!" indeed.
With a killer bang, at that!
I suspect we'll see many more such military actions, to compensate for Obama's lack of diplomatic leadership on all fronts:  economic, racial, international and domestic.  But hey, destroying... that he's good at!

(Besides... enemies/allies?  Who can tell those brown people apart anyway?  Only good Afghan is a dead Afghan, right?  Military's calling the shots now;  president O. be sitting this one out... Likely safer for everyone that way.  He sure would make a good figurehead though -- Queen of America, a symbolic role similar to Queen E. of Great Britain -- all the pomp and circumstance, but with none of the attendant political responsibilities...)