Friday, October 21

Geopolitically, this is Big News...

America's history with the Phillipines, falling on Obama's watch:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States will seek an explanation from the Philippines for President Rodrigo Duterte's announcement of a "separation" from Washington, the State Department said on Thursday, calling the remarks baffling and at odds with the two countries' close relationship.

Duterte said during a visit to China on Thursday that "America has lost me" in military and economic ties with the Philippines and "I announce my separation from the United States."

"We are going to be seeking an explanation of exactly what the president meant when he talked about separation from the U.S.," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "It's not clear to us exactly what that means in all its ramifications."
I don't suppose today's soft media class know about MacArthur, the Bataan Death March, or the importance of those islands, so don't expect this to get much news coverage when we've got women to protect on planes and all, but... this is big news. Russia and China are grinning, no doubt.

ADDED: Break it down for me, now.
What Duterte is saying is that the administration of Barrack (sic) Obama has allowed China to regain a stronghold in the Spratly Islands, violating the sovereignty of Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc and the rights for international passage through this world seaway.

It means that Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state who crafted the miscalculations in Iran, Syria, Libya, the Spratly Islands, and everything else she orchestrated on behalf of Obama has FAILED.

The Philippines president regards Obama and Clinton as PAPER TIGERS. He is CORRECT!
and more... keep laughing, Mr. President. Your life is good!
What it means is that current US leadership is stupid and weak and cannot be counted on, so this pipsqueak will align with China or Russia who are the big dogs, now that Barry the Boy King has knocked the US down to size.