America, We're Better Than This...
Nine people are dead in Texas, and others suffering brain damage from the heat, after being packed and transported into our country in an uncooled truck to work as illegal laborers.
Nine people are dead because someone wanted cheap labor here, to save a buck. This is a sin, a crime, a travesty.
Why aren't more Americans -- black, white, Christians, Jews, Muslims -- demanding that Washington begin to pass federal legislation aimed at gaining control of our borders, and most importantly, going into every dairy farm, field, factory and household where we suspect illegal laborers are employed, where they are systematically being exploited because they have none of the legal protections of American citizen workers?
How much more will the American labor force be asked to endure in terms of our own labor standards, when we see how our national leaders are turning a blind eye to our dead brothers and sisters being trafficked into this country to compete?
I hope that ever media person who is so focused on legitimizing Hillary Clinton's loss by blaming Russian interference in our elections (that President Obama apparently was powerless to stop) will think about the final hours and minutes those 9 dead people endured inside that truck.
Think like a human being: these are real crimes, not imaginary ones. And such acts are making us more and more callous to the loss of life, all to help someone here make a cheap buck and save $ by employing foreigners who are seen as less than human...
#Not In My Name.
ADDED: And let's hear none of this liberal talk: "But who will pick the fields clean, and birth, feed, milk and shovel the shit for the cows? Can you imagine how our produce and milk and meat prices will rise if we had to pay Americans to do this work?"
If we were honest, we would understand that labor-saving machinery is used in Europe and other advanced countries to replace the humans in the field. American farmers are not willing to invest in such machinery that would pick the fields with less human labor needed. We are unwilling to pay American men -- many uneducated and even mentally slow/disabled -- a cost of living so they could continue to hook the cows up to the machines, as they have for decades, before NAFTA opened our borders further to cheap farm labor.
If you can't afford to be in the farm business without illegally purchasing human flesh from abroad to keep your operation making money, then you shouldn't be. Find another line of work, and learn to compete within the established labor rules.
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