Monday, July 9

Bush Taint.

I know he's considered experienced as a judge,
but I wouldn't have chosen Brett Kavanaugh.
Too much political baggage. Those serving
that administration should be shunned
for the biggest leadership jobs...

America, and this shared world* of homeless refugees,
is still paying for their ignorant errors.
Bushies shouldn't have top leadership jobs.
Too soon. Never forget. Establishment
Republicans are not what we're keen on...

Sidenote: A Justice, named... Brett??

Sorry, I'm showing my age here. ;-)
Wouldn't surprise me if he's only the first try,
and doesn't make it through, Kennedy clerk or not.
Heavy baggage, heavier considerations and all.

* I keep waiting for George and Laura to open
the ranch to the Islamic immigrants coming to
Detroit and Minneapolis and all points north..

I thought they had a lot of room in Texas.
If so, why are the refugee resettlement programs, and
open borders appeals, affecting so many pragmatists elsewhere
who understand it is cruel to let in labor without
assimilating people to new climes and cultures,
while asking them to work without citizenship

Sounds un-Christian, and unrealistic, to me.
Where have we seen that kind of stupidity before?
Stupidity with consequences that cannot be quickly
rectified and that affects so many innocents outside
of the initial ignorant decision-makers?

In the second Bush ("Bush the Boy") administration!

(I will provide the answer, because I have learned
not to assume that intelligent people are thinkers who can
see clearly the long-term consequences themselves...)

Seems to be my "gift" : "I can read the writing on the wall."
You couldn't have paid me to take Brett Kavanaugh's career path.
That's not a healthy life, playing God like that in the Washington
war years... We are paying, and learning still.