Wednesday, August 29

Florida is a Conservative State.

The Midwesterners generally retire to the Gulf Coast. The East Coasters, especially the New Yawkah's, drive straight down the Atlantic Coast to winter or settle for good, depending on what happened to the neighborhood back home. The Orlando area is Little Puerto Rico, filled with transplanted Borricuas.

One thing they have in common? They're workers who paid their own way, and retired on their own earnings or are still chasing American dollars. Not many trust-fund babies pick Florida as their home when the whole world awaits. Hence, the economic conservatism: these people know the value of a dollar and how to budget.

I don't think Florida's aging population is going to vote socialist. I don't think the young people of Florida, or the newcomers, or the minorities, are going to suddently turn out big at the ballot boxes -- traditionally, the young people and service workers are content to be disempowered, allowing the older, wealthier retirees, and the generational Florida families to dominate the political scene.

I also don't think that running on a platform of political correctness is going to shift the race...

(And how many voters remember the name of the yacht Gary Hart was caught on with his mistress sitting in his lap? A: Monkey Business.)

The country's lesser pundits still do not understand the American people, and what happened in November 2016. If you don't learn, you can whine louder but you won't become more competitive. = DeSantis in a landslide...

(Let them cry racism. Most of us already have become immune.)