Is President Pence what the Country Really Wants?
The country has been engaged in a cultural cold war for generations now. Liberals win some battles, but overall, conservatives -- and their children -- appear to be quietly winning the overall war in terms of who is faring better in society.
Trump-haters want to censor him, but the truth is: we are engaged in a civil cold war that will only get worse if a presidential impeachment takes place.
In times of destability, voters will not then turn and elect a progressive Democrat who wants to use the whole country as a laboratory for national-policy experimentation. How well did that work out under Obamacare, when some were bought off essentially with promises that "children" under 26 could say insured under parents' plans, and others struggled with being mandated to purchase a product they did not want or need, to subsidize wealthier, unhealthier others?
Impeachment will not be successful, but it might damage the country enough to drive November 2020 voters into the arms of an even more conservative President Pence. He will be seen as the stable alternative to a damaged President Trump more than a Hillary do-over in the presence of an Elizabeth Warren candidate, I predict.
Be careful what you wish for, and never go to impeachment for show, when you don't have the votes to remove a man from office, and there really is no national outcry for such disruption in Washington...
Housing, Education, Infrastructure, Disparity, Law and Order/Crime+Safety, yes... Immigration. All of these are the bread-and-butter issues that matter in the daily lives of Americans. Pretending that we didn't elect President Trump, but for the Russian/Ukrainian's help, is not what we non-elites really want out of our Congress.
If you focus on the issues, you have a chance to perhaps win. (Though doubtful that the quiet majority of people will embrace instability at this time.) If you go the impeachment route and lose, you will likely only be helping mature conservatives like Mike Pence.
Is President Pence what the country really wants, do you think?
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