Tuesday, December 3

Editorial cartoon: Dana Summers

Fwiw, this one ran in the Minneapolis Star Tribune today and fairly represents, I think, the general (non) support in this region for impeachment. (Mr. Summers is a cartoonist for the Orlando Sentinel, and local Star-Trib editors choose from the syndicated editorial cartoons which ones are published for local readers. Again... fwiw, if Democratic party leaders are monitoring the mood of the nation, they should listen less to media sources and more to the nation's voters, I think.)

In related news, California candidate Kamala Harris dropped from the presidential race today after the predicted support for her candidacy, made by political analysts and media sources early on, failed to materialize nationally. Nationally, no one appears to be gaining traction in the race, and Democratic diversity leaders are fretting that all the December debate qualifiers may be pale faced... Not the type of white Christmas they were wishing for, clearly.

Back to the drawing board for the identity-politics political strategies?