Wednesday, January 22

President Trump to Join Women, Families at the March for Life.

His pro-family policies -- for families that are hands-on in raising their children and would like more first-amendment religious choices in directing the public-school curriculum their tax dollars are paying for -- are served well by the types of conservative judges he is appointing to the courts.

Freedom often means hands off.
You pay for yours, and let me choose and pay for mine.

Redistributing tax dollars to supplement elite lifestyles, over helping children and women who are mothers who do not want to pay for the preferences of others, is objected to by many women who vote. President Trump is choosing to march with these women and see that their voices are heard, and their votes are counted.

I'm sure it will somehow be spun as evil toward women, just as the Iraq wars were spun as helpful. *wave your helpful purple fingers, people*

The less tax money to subsidize poor choices of the elites, the more children who will be valued, loved and raised in healthy environments with their own families.

If that is turning back the clock to a better time in America when childrens's lives were more valued, so be it. #ProLifeIsContagious #LivesNotLifestyles #FreedomOfFinancialChoice #NoMoreSubsidizingEliteFamilies