Saturday, May 9

"Blame Trump, not the bats..."

Maureen Dowd of D.C. has her latest column up in the NYT.

“Trump is like a vampire!” Axelrod told me, adding a salty expletive. “You’ve got to drive a stake right through his heart. He’s going to keep coming. There’s nothing he won’t do. Even in this environment, you can’t count on him losing.”
Wait until the pandemic settles for summer and more of the Flynn documents drop, Mr. Axelrod. I wonder if the Obamas would ever choose to relocate overseas for a few decades...
Spin it as a choice, of course.

It's never pretty to pull back the sheets on the actions of presidential administrations, I suppose, and see how they're performing in private. But with the Flynn prosecution overreach, and the fallout just accumulating, I suspect we are going to see the Obama administration naked in their pursuit of a Hillary win in 2016. The Flynn mess was just the anger, and cover-up, of the intelligence agencies involved in her loss...

Long hot summer, indeed.
I'd advise the MSM to cover the story from the start; there's just too many media outlets nowadays to think you can keep disappearing Big News because you refuse to entertain it on your entertainment platforms.

No more catch and kill, or lie and shill.

You hate to see the national news politicized any more than you hate to see the intelligence agencies compromised as they were politicized. But pulling back the band-aid, letting the wound get some air -- some oxygen and sunshine -- promotes healing growth. I suspect David Axelrod, Maureen Dowd, the whole cast of Clinton campaign clan, and especially... former President Barack Obama, prefer the sickliness of Washington remains unexposed...